Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ramazan (Ramadan)
the neighbourhood mosque
Ramazan has begun and in this heat I commend anyone who is fasting this month. Eating during the day may not be so bad but nor drinking water must be so difficult. So the Khar family, whom I am living with, is all doing ‘rosa’ (fasting). Eating is permitted during hours of darkness i.e. after sunset and before sunrise. The practice also includes reading a portion of the Koran each day, meticulous washing and personal hygiene, prayer 5 times a day with the last session of the day’s prayer being extended with bowing practice. Mum, who always does her prayer 5 times every day regardless of Ramazan does not go to the Mosque, she stays home to do her prayers. The guys however head off to the Mosque, wearing the white skull cap along with all the men of the neighbourhood. Now for those who have to work during the day they can do some of their prayer at work or take a Mosque break instead of a lunch break. There are also no movies, TV or radio or listening to music at this time, which for the Khars means no Hindi soap operas, or music from cell phones. Every day the practitioner has to turn their mind toward God and away from worldly tasks and desirous mindsets. In many ways this practice is similar to the Buddhist practice of Nung Nay, done during Saka Dawa (Buddha’s enlightenment celebrations) and last for 16 days with alternate fasting and no drinking days, and 4 sessions of prayer and prostrations.
So the best of luck to all those people fasting this Ramazan

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