Sunday, June 3, 2012

 Kupwara, next to the LOC
Stone wall builder, Pakistan in the distance
Making traditional guilded silver plates
Kupwara gentleman

Kupwara's main st.
Kupwara kids
Speak about hitting the ground running, since arriving in Kashmir I have not yet fully unpacked. Human Effort for Love and Peace (HELP) foundation  in collaboration with the Self Employment Women’s Association (SEWA) is starting a 3 year program in Kupwara which is close to the Line of Control (the DeFacto border with Pakistan).  I am here see how to do a small base line overview of the women’s interest in the program, their needs and ability to attend and implement the things they learn. Also I think just to encourage them to participate and show interest in their learning process. This region has endured tough times during partition, infiltration of militants from Pakistan and Afghanistan and Kashmiri militants crossing the LOC  to go for training in Pakistan. During the militancy many women suffered rape and had their husbands or sons taken into custody on suspicion of being a terrorist. Due to the conflict between India and Pakistan this region has also received little or no infrastructure improvement, no more than basic education and health facilities. There is no other source of income other than farming or laboring so a family’s income is meager not unless a family member has left the region for work in Srinagar or in other cities in India.
brass pots for sale
Making chili chutney
This week the first training is taking place and given by the ladies from SEWA in Gujarat. Around 35 Kashmiri women from different villages in this region are learning how to make and market jams and chutneys, make compost for their gardens, use and install solar power and start a savings group. The training is for 10 days with each component being 7 or 10 days long with the Kashmiri women choosing which component they want to take. As the years pass SEWA will send other trainers to teach different subjects ranging from different forms of income generation, sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry, solar power, health and infant care. The program will all be adapted to Kashmir culture and environment as well as women’s particular needs in a conflict area.
Trainees attempting to get a headscarf on me
So of course the first training of the program had its teething problems such as having to relocated to a different and not so conducive building because the hotel was double booked. 35 very excited young women eager to learn but not so focused and just enjoying being together. The equipment and training supplies not available, the electric going off and on etc etc. However we all pulled together and took turns cooking, turned the bedroom by night into a classroom by day and of course we had one night of Gujart, Kashmiri and Scottish dancing which was a great laugh.
Receiving Solar light and stove

Gujarati trainers day off in Kashmir
The women are keen to learn and very happy to have HELP and SEWA commit to 3 years. It was so humbling to talk with the women and find out how they manage on small budgets, what had happened to their families during the conflict and what their dreams to help other women are. I hope I can go back and follow up with these women and get more stories.

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