Friday, May 4, 2012

Efforts less connections!
Wierd how things started to happen when I gave up and went for a massage. A  lady I met in Washington DC who founded the Women's Regional Network e-mailed me back after I told her about some of our ideas for a Kashmiri women's network/fund. That led to another e-mail  to one of her close colleagues, Abha and then a  the founder of Jagori, a feminist NGO that works to educate men and women on gender issues as well as assist rural women with income generation. There project in Dharamsla is   and the NGO at    The founders of Jagori also do training through another NGO called Sangat. They will be conducting a month long training in Nepal in September for women from all over South Asia. So I have to get my application in. 
Abha lives n Delhi but is now in Daharamsala giving a training. What are the chances we would be here at the same time? Anyway I met with her and the other ladies of Jagori yesterday at their Women's Training and Research Academy. A beautiful place with garden and retreat facilities for workshops. Jagori has been fighting for women's equality and rights since the 80's and have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. I am so happy to meet with them and hopefully get some pointers for the Kashmir women's project.

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