Thursday, January 3, 2013

Looking back at 2012

Human family
2012 stared in India in Bodhgaya at the Kalachakra and ends in India in hippy heaven in Goa. Like every year it had been a year of great highs and lows too. A journey filled with great people, I have strengthened bonds with good friends from all over the world, especially in California, Virginia, Washington DC, Scotland and India. These people are travelers, yogis, mediators, academics, teachers and people working their daily job to support their families. I have been very grateful this year to spend time with my family who over the years has been a great support; I am more than fortunate that they seem to handle my no-conformist life. An added bonus this year was to at last meet and spend time with the Killock clan and I look forward to strengthening that family bond. Being way from Scotland since 1985 (wow has it been that long) I have come to understand the word ‘family’ in terms that extend beyond blood. As His Holiness always put it “we are, all brother and sisters, one human family,” For the survival and thriving of all of us on the planet we have to  recognize our interconnectedness and interdependence and start living our lives from this place of wisdom. I strive to be able to share this vision of His Holiness and be able to feel closeness to people regardless of our man made divisions. 

Looking back at 2012 I so appreciate the moments well spent in the company of wonderful people, whom I respect and admire, who inspire me and support me, with whom I have laughed with, got tipsy with and discussed the world and dharma with. To those who have let me crash on their couch and into their homes and lives I have been humbled by your kindness and hospitality and have to say a huge thank you and hope that in some small way I can return the favor or pass on the generosity.

As mum says like is full of ‘Hatches, Matches and Dispatches’ and his year was no exception. Welcome to the world Ada: Jen and Julia’s daughter who looks like a wee angel picture and I am so happy for them. Congrats so to Shabir and Asia in Kashmir who got engaged in the summer and will marry in 2013.WE ad great celebrations regardless of having to wait for the curfews and strikes to pass. I wish you both every future happiness. Like many in 2012 I also grieved for the passing of a dear friend in California. She was a great supportive friend to many as well as a loving and caring wife and mother. I know she is very much missed by all of us but her spirit, her laughter and love, live on in her children and her husband. Love you guys so much. Many dear family and friends have also dealt with a range of disease and health problem. I am especially glad that wee Rita, in California has had successful brain surgeries and is now growing strong and healthy; she is so precious. So, here’s to a healthy new year for all of us.

2012 was also year to witness poverty, injustice, corruption, oppression, violence and prejudice, both in the east and the west. These experiences just make me more determined to live a truthful, honest life and to stand up against, injustice, violence, inequity and unethical activities. I mean at the end of the day all we have is how we have lived our lives and in these days, in a distracted, fast paced, ego centric age, we need to see more examples of people standing up for and living by what is good. For me I have no idea what my career will be or where this year will take me but for sure I know I must live truthfully and simple.

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