Bodhgaya Bihar

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will confer the 32nd Kalachakra initiation. Tibetans believe it is good to receive this initiation three time to ensure a good re-birth, well I probably have a lot to rectify in this life so this will be my 7th time and I hope they are right. Millions of pilgrims will be coming from Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, Ladhak and Arunachal Pradesh in North East India as well as countries from all over of the world. Living conditions will be sparse such as tent cities, mud hut restaurants and basic, basic toilet facilities. Food supplies may be going scarce and for sure you would not want to drink the water. I am sure to re-united with long time Dharma and local friends and for sure make some new friends too.
For small Bodgaya video of the temple try
For info on Kalachakra try
Hey Linda, I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures. I will live vicariously through you!
happy kalachakra and merry christmas :) i'm so happy for you to have this experience again and i'm looking forward to more of your blogging. love, blessings and oms -lindy (losang pema karuna)